A brief history of conservative media

Politics have polarized in recent years to the point that there is now an Earth 1 and an Earth 2, and “never the twain shall meet,” a phrase coined by the poet Rudyard Kipling. Republicans and Democrats have not seen eye to eye on many things – perhaps since their...

‘Blood and Soil’ Nationalism is Un-American

The founders of the U.S. Constitution recognized that many colonists had come to America to gain freedoms that they could not enjoy in 18th- and 19th-century Europe, such as religion, speech and assembly, as well as the opportunity to own land. The overbearing caste...

Disinformation and Media Bias

How is it that the news can be reported so differently depending on what cable channel you watch or what online news forum you cater to? And why is it that what some people view as legitimate, accurate news can be considered fake news by someone else? Well, it’s a...

What MLK’s Message Means To Me

I was 8 years old when President Ronald Reagan signed into law a bill creating a national holiday to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I was 10 years old when our country observed Martin Luther King Jr. Day for the first time.  Fifteen years later, Utah became...